December 2012
La Casa Real Estate, Inc.
Submitted by Marilyn Kulibert, President
December is a month when we count our blessings. At La Casa Real Estate we are blessed to have a loyal crew of volunteers who take time from their day to help us show off our park to prospective residents.
If you’d like to join our group of volunteers, please stop by the officer and sign up. We are always in need of new people to help us out. Because everyone is so busy enjoying the La Casa lifestyle, it sometimes is hard to reach a volunteer when we need one in a hurry. This past year with so many sales and increased interest in our park, it has been especially busy and we have no reason to think it will be slowing down.
Florida real estate laws restrict what volunteers can and cannot do or say, so we will be having a training for all the volunteers, both new and experienced, to refresh everyone’s memory and help our new people learn the rules. Watch for announcements of the training date.